Sarah Wynia-Smith

Research Scientist



B.A. Biology - 2003

Northwestern College - Iowa


Ph.D. Physiology - 2009

Gail Robertson Lab, University of Wisconsin-Madison





Wynia-Smith SL, Smith BC. Nitrosothiol Formation and S-Nitrosation Signaling Through Nitric Oxide Synthases. Nitric Oxide. 2017, 63, 52-60.


Kalous KS, Wynia-Smith SL, Olp MD, Smith BC. Mechanism of Sirt1 NAD+-Dependent Protein Deacetylase Inhibition by Cysteine S-Nitrosation. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2016, 291(49), 25398-25410.


Zhou Y*, Wynia-Smith SL*, Couvertier, SM, Kalous KS, Marletta MA, Smith BC, Weerapana E. Chemoproteomic Strategy to Quantitatively Monitor Transnitrosation Uncovers Functionally Relevant S-Nitrosation Sites on Cathepsin D and HADH2. Cell Chemical Biology. 2016, 23(6), 727-737

* denotes equal author contribution


Shteyer E*, Edvardson S*, Wynia-Smith SL*, Pierri CL*, Zangen T, Hashavya S, Begin M, Yaacov B, Cinamon Y, Koplewitz BZ, Vromen A, Elpeleg O, Smith BC. “Truncating mutation in the nitric oxide synthase 1 gene is associated with infantile achalasia.” Gastroenterology. 2015 Mar;148(3):533-536.e4. PMID: 25479138.

* denotes equal author contribution


Underbakke ES, Surmeli NB, Smith BC, Wynia-Smith SL, Marletta MA. “Nitric oxide signaling”. Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II. 2013, Vol. 3, 241-262. Textbook Chapter.


Wynia-Smith SL, Brown MJ, Chirichella G, Kemalyan G, Krantz BA. “Electrostatic ratchet in the protective antigen channel promotes anthrax toxin translocation.” J Biol Chem. 2012 Dec 21;287(52):43753-64. PMID: 23115233.


Wynia-Smith SL, Gillian-Daniel AL, Satyshur KA, Robertson GA. "hERG gating micro domains defined by S6 mutagenesis and molecular modeling." J Gen Physiol. 2008 Nov;132(5):507-20. PMID: 18955593.

© 2017 Brian Smith Lab

Department of Biochemistry

Medical College of Wisconsin

8701 Watertown Plank Rd,

Milwaukee, WI, 53226  | (414) 955-5659